Friday 21 November 2008

The Blackbird

free counters
My little friend he sits and sings
cocooned within his shapely wings.
As black as night, as brash as day
he lifts his head and sings away,
and looks askance when I appear
and with my camera interfere.
He seems so puny here below
from where I watch the fishes go.
And sings the harder round about,
as patient by the water spout
I watch the silver liquid flow
then awkward round the garden go.
A little here, a little there,
while he calls out his evening prayer;
and warns the fellows round about
that he'll defend this garden stout.
The snails, the worms, oh so slow
are for his wife he'll have them know.
Then from the ridge he takes to flight
and on a wired pole alights
and sings a while before he goes
to where the twisted willow grows.
The boundaries he is making clear:
There is no Bed & Breakfast here!
Then back upon the rooftop he,
looks yet again askance at me.
For I am feeling humble now,
and watching, while he takes a bow.
And waiting, for the sunset low
on his extended chest, to show.

© Cormac McCloskey

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